About Us

We invite you to explore our collections and join us in shaping a future where women are associated with intelligence, leadership, and problem-solving. Let's inspire the next generation of tech leaders together through our bold and chic styles, spreading a message of empowerment.

  • Samaneh Bayat

    Software Engineer

    Technnical Lead


  • Rashin Babaee

    Software Engineer

    Industrial Engineer


  • Our Story

    We are two passionate software engineers who envisioned a platform to showcase our love for tech and design. With a shared enthusiasm for breaking stereotypes and promoting diversity in tech, we embarked on this journey to celebrate women's contributions in technology.

  • Our Mission

    At The Lady in Tech, we believe tech is about innovation, creativity, and problem-solving. Our designs not only embody style but also reflect our vision of showcasing the power and capability of women in tech.

    We aim to change the typical perception of women often in stereotypical contexts. We highlight women in roles that convey strength, intelligence, and leadership. Our goal is to increase the representation of women in tech and leadership positions, emphasizing their significant contributions to shaping the future.

    By presenting women in these empowering contexts, we inspire young girls to pursue careers in tech and leadership, encouraging them to break stereotypes and believe in their

  • Why Us?

    We spread awareness about women's capabilities in technology and their role in shaping the future of the industry. We believe that being a woman in tech is an advantage due to our holistic problem-solving approach and unique perspectives. By supporting us, you support this mission and help us build infrastructure to achieve it on a broader scale. This is just the start, and your support helps spread our message.