1. Why are there no taxes collected on products?
As a small business, we are not yet required to collect taxes based on current government regulations. Take advantage of this tax-free shopping experience while it lasts!

2. Can you ship internationally?
Currently, we do not have international markets set up. However, we can accommodate custom requests. International shipping involves evaluating duties and fees on a case-by-case basis. If you're interested in purchasing from outside the USA or Canada, please leave us a message. We'll provide you with a custom quote and an estimated delivery time.

3. Where are orders shipped from?
Orders placed in Canada are shipped from our Canadian suppliers, and orders from the USA are shipped from our US suppliers. Occasionally, if an item is out of stock in your country, we may fulfill your order from a different location within North America. If this results in additional customs or processing fees, simply send us the receipt, and we’ll refund the extra amount. If you're not satisfied with this, we can accept a return or offer a full refund at no charge to you.

4. What are your shipping and return policies?
Please refer to our dedicated Shipping Policy and Return Policy pages for detailed information.